
Advanced Threat Intelligence

Unbox Data Center’s Advanced Cyber Threat Intelligence is a amalgam of technical, tactical, operational, and strategic cyber threat intelligence only available to devices enrolled in the Cyber Threat Monitoring service.

Technical Cyber Threat Intelligence

Unbox Data Center’s Technical Cyber Threat Intelligence is created through a propriety amalgamation, arrangement, and authentication of social feeds, commercial feeds, and the aggregated information received from tens of thousands of diverse security manufacture devices deployed around the world.

As a global Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) and cloud Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) provider, Unbox Data Center has tens of thousands of diverse NextGen and UTM Firewall appliances that feed billions of security context-rich log events into the Unbox Data Center’s SIEM solution every day.

Many of the manufacturers’ devices that feed these rich security metadata logs into the SIEM are active members of the Cyber Threat Alliance.

Unbox Data Center further consumes automated methods to collect IP reputation information that indicates a lower level of trust should be used for addresses that are not specifically known as malicious. This information is combined with other alert methods to build correlated events that trigger Unbox Data Center Security Operations Center (SOC) engineers who investigate the communications.

Tactical & Operational Cyber Threat Intelligence

Unbox Data Center’s Security Analytics Team member’s survey industry-specific trends, security issues, government intelligence, and other deep Internet data sources that may affect customers. Research findings are then used to further tune alerts and algorithms. Tactical threat intelligence is used to track threat actors to help predict attacks through their techniques and procedures. Operational threat intelligence is also utilized when Unbox Data Center discovers actionable intelligence of a pending attack on a customer or industry.

Discovery of tactical and operational threat intelligence issues that affect monitored devices generate tickets for review and discussion with the partner through the Ticketing system.

Strategic Cyber Threat Intelligence

Unbox Data Center’s Security Analytics Team provides informational notices through the Ticketing System portal about high level issues faced by a multitude of industries, technologies, and organization sizes. This information can be used by executives and their boards to help guide an organization in reducing cybersecurity risk for the long-term.

  • World leading SIEM tool-based real time 24x7x365 security alert service
  • Can meet all compliance requirements including log storage
  • Build and monitor customer-specific use cases thereby customizing the service to your organization's needs
  • SLA based service plus hybrid delivery models to minimize your security risks and reduce overheads
  • Real time report and actionable insights from Secure Service Portal
  • Trusted advisory services to keep your organization up-to-date on latest security threats
  • Predictable management of costs and protection delivered by experts, so you can concentrate on your core business
  • State-of-art event correlation and trend analysis
  • Pattern discovery and behavioral analysis
  • Integrated with early warning global threat advisory
  • Customized reports through Secure Service Portal providing real time alerts and tailor -made reports
  • Action taken based on your decision after seeing the alert
  • Around the clock eyes on your critical systems
  • Cost effective protection for your IT
  • 100% ITIL certified NOC staff
  • Server and application management
  • Workflow management
  • Flexible service options
  • Network upgrades

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